Chris Angelico <>:

> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 9:33 AM, Marko Rauhamaa <> wrote:
>> Then I graduated and joined the workforce. Since then, I have learned
>> a thing or two, but I learned more during my first year in college
>> than I have during the 25 since I left.
> Interesting. I'm not surprised that you can learn more in college than
> in the years *prior* to it (if you were just dabbling), but I would
> have expected that you learn more actually on the job. Are you
> seriously saying that you've been 25 years in the workforce and not
> learned anything new?

Let's see. What I have learned on the job is projects and processes
(even though college tried to give a taste of those, as well). Then, I
have gathered some encyclopedic knowledge about programming languages,
libraries, frameworks and operating systems. Finally, I have developed

But true eye-openers took place in college: data structures, algorithms,
complexity theory, parsing and compiling, recursion, object-oriented
programming, logic programming, functional programming, distributed
systems, cryptography, logic and formalisms, mathematical rigor etc.


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