On Wed, 28 Feb 2018 16:13:52 -0500, Etienne Robillard wrote:

> Hey,
> I want to know why this question is being silently ignored by this
> group.

Possibly because we have no idea of the answer? Or we thought it was too 
obvious to answer?

Do you have a microphone that can detect ultrasound? Can Python 
communicate with that microphone? If the answer to both of those 
questions is Yes, then the answer to your question is also yes.

The answer to EVERY question "Can Python do Foo?" usually comes down to:

- can you do Foo using a computer? then Python can do it too

although it might not always be fast enough.

> I want to know what exactly do I need to develop open source softwares
> for analyzing and decoding ultrasonic side channels in smart tvs, mobile
> phones, and computers in Python.

What makes you think we're experts on analyzing and decoding ultrasonic 
side channels in smart TVs, mobile phones, or computers? Let alone all 

> Tell me how exactly ultrasonic side channels may activate remotely
> specific neural pathways implicated in aggressivity and how to block
> theses specific side channels from neuromodulating human behavior.

And what on Earth gave you the idea that we're experts on ultrasonic 
activation of neural pathways????

I'd go further... what gave you the idea that ANYONE is an expert on 
ultrasonic activation of neural pathways?



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