On 06/12/2018 08:48 AM, T Berger wrote:
> I deleted them a number of time, then got a bar across the page indicating 
> that a post had been deleted. It's nuts that you can't edit your own post.

This "forum" is actually a mailing list mirrored to Usenet, so whatever
you post gets instantly emailed out to the list members, and also gets
sent to all the Usenet servers throughout the world.  So by the time you
want to edit your post, it's already in my email box.  You're accessing
it via Google Groups, but it's not really an online forum.  It just
looks like one.  Google Groups may let you delete your message within
Groups, but out here on the mailing list where I am, and on Usenet where
others read, you definitely can't.

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