On Monday, June 18, 2018 at 5:45:28 AM UTC-5, Chris Angelico wrote:

> So in both cases, you would probably end up with something
> like 2to3.

And there you have it! 

Just Like Python3000, the python devs have caused a major
disruption by saddling us with the syntactic noise of type-
hints. Therefore, _they_ are responsible for producing a
tool which will remove these type-hints from scripts and do
it error _free_.

So petition your friends over at py-dev and get the ball
rolling, would ya pal?

And the great news is, after they release this tool, myself,
and all the other folks who have been blindsided by a
special purpose feature can no longer complain. Nope. And
you will _finally_ have the moral high ground when you brow
beat others for daring to protest.

That's right Chris!

We will quietly run the tool on all the type-hint scripts we
encounter and then we will be as content as you.

Why can't we _all_ be happy little clams just like you?


Is that really too much to ask?


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