On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Rick Johnson
<rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday, June 18, 2018 at 2:48:58 PM UTC-5, Ian wrote:
>> I would also note that none of this applies to type hinting
>> in any case. Type hints don't require the programmer to be
>> able to explain anything in natural language, nor are they
>> prone to becoming out-of-sync.
>> Because if they do, then then the type analyzer will
>> complain the very next time you run it. So if you're trying
>> to make the case for type hints being treated like
>> comments, this isn't it.
> My point is perfectly clear to anyone who bothers to read it
> in its entirety.
> I have asked time and time again for someone to directly
> justify why py-dev won't offer a tool to remove the
> interleaved type-hint syntax from scripts.

For the same reason that the core devs won't offer a tool to remove
assertions, or docstrings. If you want it, write it yourself. Why
should busy volunteer core devs write the tool for you?

> It is obvious to the impartial reader what is going on here.
> There is a systematic campaign of brow beating underway to
> punish those who do not blindly accept the validity of type-
> hints. And any wavering from the the official party line
> will be subject to retributions.
> That is not behavior of a community. A community would care
> for the opinions of all members.

I believe you're confusing "community" with "democracy". This is not a
democracy. This is a place in which the overwhelming majority of the
work is done by volunteers. You cannot demand that they do work for
you unless you are paying for it.


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