Hi Viet,

map applies the function to each of the elements of the list you provide.

It would be roughly equivalent to:

[add_all_elements(x) for x in alist]

It may help you to consider the term and function "map" from the view of linear 

Apparently it's a common term:


On September 21, 2018 11:29:41 PM GMT+02:00, Viet Nguyen via Python-list 
<python-list@python.org> wrote:
>I want to add up all of the list elements.  But when I use the "map"
>function, it didn't seem to work as I expect.  Could someone point out
>how "map" can be applied here then?
>def add_all_elements (*args):  
>    total = 0
>    for i in args:
>       print(type(i))
>       print("i = %s" % i)
>       print("BEFORE total = %s" % total)
>       total += int(i)
>       print("AFTER total = %s\n" % total)
>    print("FINAL total = %s\n" % total)
>    return total
>alist = ['2', '09', '49']
>## this one works Okay
><class 'str'>
>i = 2
>BEFORE total = 0
>AFTER total = 2
><class 'str'>
>i = 09
>BEFORE total = 2
>AFTER total = 11
><class 'str'>
>i = 49
>BEFORE total = 11
>AFTER total = 60
>FINAL total = 60
>## Why is this NOT Okay when I use map ??  What must I change ?
>>>> list(map(add_all_elements,alist))
><class 'str'>
>i = 2
>BEFORE total = 0
>AFTER total = 2
>FINAL total = 2
><class 'str'>
>i = 09
>BEFORE total = 0
>AFTER total = 9
>FINAL total = 9
><class 'str'>
>i = 49
>BEFORE total = 0
>AFTER total = 49
>FINAL total = 49
>[2, 9, 49]

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