On 8/19/20 2:00 PM, Karen Shaeffer wrote:
> Where you conclude with: "Methinks there is an ideological skunk in the 
> parlor …”
> Considering all your posts on this thread, it is reasonable to infer you have 
> some ideological motivations.

My motivation was to demonstrate that if people of your ilk are free to
peddle their worldview, it invites people of my worldview to join the party
and thereby wreak havoc.  The only way to solve this is: No politics, no 
no religion, or no sex. Period.  Ever.

Do take note that while I freely admit to having utter contempt for the
en courant culture and its various warriors, I also have been careful
to avoid flogging *my own* political/social view.  They don't belong
here.  Neither do yours.  Why don't we stick to discussing Python which
ought to not be infected by these subjects.


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