On 2021-05-06, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 10:32 AM Paul Bryan <pbr...@anode.ca> wrote:
>> Given the ease of spoofing sender addresses, and its propensity for use
>> in anonymous spamming and trolling (thanks python-list-owner for
>> staying on top of that!), I propose to disconnect comp.lang.python from
>> the python-list mailing list. Both would then operate independently.
> As someone who exclusively follows the mailing list, I selfishly want
> to support this, as it would notably improve the signal-to-noise
> ratio. But I'm aware that there are a number of good people who
> currently use the newsgroup, and those people would then be abandoned
> in the cess-pool.

Counter-proposal that I have suggested several times before that would
solve both these problems: make the newsgroup moderated.

(Or, I suppose, create comp.lang.python.moderated and gateway it
to the mailing list, and disconnect comp.lang.python from the list.)

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