An ASCII string will not work.  If you convert 32894 to an ascii string you 
will have five bytes, but you need four.  In my original post I showed the C 
program I used to convert any 32-bit number to 4 bytes.  

Feb 2, 2022, 10:16 by

> I applaud trying to find the right solution but wonder if a more trivial 
> solution is even being considered. It ignores big and little endians and just 
> converts your data into another form and back.
> If all you want to do is send an integer that fit in 32 bits or 64 bits, why 
> not convert it to a character string in a form that both machines will see 
> the same way and when read back, convert it back to an integer? 
> As long as both side see the same string, this can be done in reasonable time 
> and portably.
> Or am I missing something? Is "1234" not necessarily seen in the same order, 
> or "1.234e3" or whatever?
> Obviously, if the mechanism is heavily used and multiple sides keep reading 
> and even writing the same memory location, this is not ideal. But having 
> different incompatible processors looking at the same memory is also not.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis Lee Bieber <>
> To:
> Sent: Wed, Feb 2, 2022 12:30 am
> Subject: Re: Data unchanged when passing data to Python in multiprocessing 
> shared memory
> On Wed, 2 Feb 2022 00:40:22 +0100 (CET), Jen Kris <>
> declaimed the following:
>> breakup = int.from_bytes(byte_val, "big")
> >print("this is breakup " + str(breakup))
> >Python prints:  this is breakup 32894
> >Note that I had to switch from little endian to big endian.  Python is 
> >little endian by default, but in this case it's big endian.  
>     Look at the struct module. I'm pretty certain it has flags for big or
> little end, or system native (that, or run your integers through the
> various "network byte order" functions that I think C and Python both
> support.
> >However, if anyone on this list knows how to pass data from a non-Python 
> >language to Python in multiprocessing.shared_memory please let me (and the 
> >list) know.  
>     <pondering>MMU cache lines not writing through to RAM? Can't find
> anything on Google to force a cache flush</pondering> Can you test on a
> different OS? (Windows vs Linux)
> -- 
>     Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
> -- 
> -- 


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