On Thu, 3 Feb 2022 at 13:32, Avi Gross via Python-list
<python-list@python.org> wrote:
> Jen,
> I would not be shocked at incompatibilities in the system described making it 
> hard to exchange anything, including text, but am not clear if there is a 
> limitation of four bytes in what can be shared. For me, a character string 
> can use any number of contiguous bytes in memory that some kind of pointer or 
> table lookup provides access to.
> Clearly you could squeeze larger number in by not writing decimals but using 
> hexadecimal notation that adds a to f as valid entries, and of course you can 
> make your own customized base 32 or if you use more symbols (such as upper 
> and lower case as different) you could  add a few symbols and stretch it out 
> to base 60 or 64.
> Like I said, I may have missed something. If you KNOW that system A will 
> interact with systems B and C and so on, and each machine knows what kind it 
> is, and especially if it knows which kind of machine left it something in 
> shared memory, there has to be a way to coordinate between them. If character 
> strings in ASCII or UTF8 or EBCDIC or some kind of raw are allowed, and used 
> with just a few characters that can spell out numbers, I would think much is 
> possible. If needed, perhaps a fixed size could be set aside and the string 
> use a null terminator if shorter.
> Of course if this big-endian issue also scrambles bytes used in strings, 
> forget it.
> Or, maybe shared memory is not the easy way to go, even it it might be faster.

Structs are fine, and are highly unlikely to be the OP's problem.
Switching to a different system won't help.

Unfortunately I can't offer any serious help about the actual problem,
as I don't know what's going on with the shared memory issue.


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