"Fredrik Lundh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> use assert as the soonest possible point.  implementing "type gates" is
> trivial, if you think you need them.

What this is about (to me at least) is the edit-debug cycle.  Let's
say I write some Python code, using assert to validate datatypes.
Maybe I've made 4 errors.  I then write a test function and run it.
Boom, the first assert fails.  I fix the first error, run again.
Boom, the next assert fails.  Fix the next error, run again, boom,
fix, etc.  Four edit-debug cycles.

With static typing, I run the compiler, get 4 error messages, fix all
4, and can get on with the next phase of testing with three fewer edit
cycles.  That's a definite benefit of languages like Java.  It's not
imaginary.  Unit tests on Python code don't make it go away.  I have
less Java experience than Python experience by now, but I still find
that Java programs take me fewer iterations to get working than Python
programs.  The trouble is that Java has a thousand deficiencies that
outweigh that particular benefit, so overall I like Python a lot
better anyway.

Now some of the Python-is-perfect crowd seems to suffer from a "Blub
paradox" (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?BlubParadox).  They see annoying,
static typed languages like C and Java, and they see pleasant,
dynamically typed languages like Python, and conclude that static
types = annoying, when in fact they can be orthogonal.  So, can there
be a language that's both statically typed, and pleasant?  I haven't
used one yet, but lately I've been reading about Haskell and want to
give it a try.  I keep finding statements like:

    To me, Haskell is what Python should have evolved to. As a long-time
    Python programmer, I have been very, very pleased with Haskell and am
    currently working on porting my code to it (and write new code in
    Haskell at every opportunity).


    Using Haskell to develop OpenAFP.hs led to programs that eat constant
    2MB memory, scale linearly, and are generally 2OOM faster than my Perl

    Oh, and the code size is 1/10.
       (http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2005/03/03/pugs_interview.html -
        Autrijus also raves about how great the book "Types and
        Programming Languages" supposedly is--I'm trying to borrow
        a copy.  Yeah, this is a Perl comparison, but I think of
        Perl as being roughly equivalent to Python except a lot uglier).


    Haskell is the least-broken programming language available today. C,
    C++, Perl, Python, Java, and all the other languages you've heard of
    are all much more broken, so debating their merits is pointless. :-)
    Unfortunately Real Life involves dealing with brokenness.

    In conducting the independent design review at Intermetrics, there
    was a significant sense of disbelief.  We quote from [CHJ93]: "It
    is significant that Mr. Domanski, Mr. Banowetz and Dr. Brosgol
    were all surprised and suspicious when we told them that Haskell
    prototype P1 (see appendix B) is a complete tested executable
    program.  We provided them with a copy of P1 without explaining
    that it was a program, and based on preconceptions from their past
    experience, they had studied P1 under the assumption that it was a
    mixture of requirements specification and top level design.  They
    were convinced it was incomplete because it did not address issues
    such as data structure design and execution order."
       (http://haskell.org/papers/NSWC/jfp.ps - this was from a bake-off
       for a military application where the Haskell solution had 85 lines
       of code to Ada's 767, C++'s 1105, and Relational Lisp's 274). 

Obviously I'm in the usual rose-colored-glasses phase of finding out
about something new and interesting, but I can't help thinking these
guys are onto something.  Quite a few of the Haskell Cafe mailing list
members seem to have come to Haskell from Python.  (Haskell tutorial:
http://www.isi.edu/~hdaume/htut/ - I've read most of this and it looks
pretty cool--definitely a steeper learning curve than Python but the
result looks a lot more powerful).

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