"Lee Harr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On 2005-12-23, Gary Herron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You've got the visible/invisible aspect of things
> > *exactly* backwards.
> > The point on a line of text where things change
> > from white space to
> > non-white space is *highly* visible. The several
> > pixels that represent a
> > { or } are nearly invisible within a line of text.
> > (So one usually
> > compensates by putting them alone on a line,
> > making them somewhat more
> > visible.)
> >
> Along these lines, I was wondering recently if it would be
> nice to have the editor put in some subtle gradation in the
> background color or maybe some faint gridlines at each
> indentation stop.
> Has anyone ever experimented with that?

The Scintilla Text Editor (simple, lightweight, open source, free -
http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html) has this feature by default.

-- Paul


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