> Sorry for the confusion.  The correct pattern should reject
> all strings except those in which the first sequence of the
> letter 'a' that is followed by the letter 'b' has a length of
> exactly three.

Ah...a little more clear.

        r = re.compile("[^a]*a{3}b+(a+b*)*")
        matches = [s for s in listOfStringsToTest if r.match(s)]

or (as you've only got 3 of 'em)

        r = re.compile("[^a]*aaab+(a+b*)*")
        matches = [s for s in listOfStringsToTest if r.match(s)]

should do the trick.  To exposit:

        [^a]*   a bunch of stuff that's not "a"

        a{3} or aaa     three letter "a"s

        b+      one or more "b"s

        (a+b*)  any number of "a"s followed optionally by "b"s

Hope this helps,



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