kpp9c wrote:
> I have a several list of songs that i pick from, lets, say that there
> are 10 songs in each list and there are 2 lists.
> For a time i pick from my songs, but i only play a few of the songs in
> that list... now my wife, Jessica Alba, comes home, and i start playing
> from Jessica's list of songs. After playing a few songs, Jessica, who
> needs her beauty sleep, goes to bed, and i start my play loop which
> starts picking from my songs again...
> The wrinkle:
> only now i want it to pick first from among the 6 songs yet not played
> from the first time around, and *then* when the list is exhausted,
> shuffle the whole original list of songs and start again.
> Here is some working but hilariously bad code that does most of this
> funny biz... I've gotten this far, but can't figure out how to get the
> loops to keep track of what was played and what wasn't and how to
> pick-up the list where it left off.
> I know this is a dumb thing to want to do, but you know, being married
> to bona-fide star is not easy.
> # -----------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import random
> import os
> def shuffleloop(iterable):
>       """An iterator like itertools cycle, which returns elements from the
>       iterable and saves a copy of each. When the iterable is
>       exhausted, it return elements from the saved copy.
>       The added wrinkle here is that the saved copy is randomly shuffled.
>       Repeats indefinitely."""
>       saved = []
>       for element in iterable:
>               yield element
>               saved.append(element)
>       while saved:
>               random.shuffle(saved)
>               for element in saved:
>                       yield element
> def playall_reload(startime, playdur, smpl_lst):
>       '''a loop that shuffles and plays all sounds in a list. If the
>       sequence is exhausted the list is reloaded, re-shuffled, and plyed
> through
>       again. It does this as many times as needed to fill the time
> specified.
>       Also returns the end of the last duration so that the begining of the
> next
>       section can be fed to the next function or loop.
>       '''
>       event = 0; incr = 0; lst_len = len(smpl_lst)
>       random.shuffle(smpl_lst)
>       smpl_loop = shuffleloop(smpl_lst)
>       endpoint = startime + playdur
>       while startime < endpoint:
>               sample =
>               splt = os.path.split(sample)
>               # get the duration of the current soundfile
>               # (hard wire it for now)
>               #incr = DUR()
>               dur = 10
>               #load the sample & play it
>               #
>               # input(sample)
>               # PLAY(startime, dur)
>               #
>               print "event %d @ %.4f  --> [%s] dur: %.4f" % (event+1, 
> startime,
> splt[1], dur)
>               incr = dur
>               startime = startime + incr
>               event = event + 1
>       if (event < lst_len):
>               print "\n\n*** Heads-up yo: <the input sequence was not 
> exhausted>
> ***\n\n"
>       return startime
> def test():
>       kevins = ['/Users/kevin/snd/songs/loveisintheair.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/songs/boymeetsgirl.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/songs/yourcheatingheart.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/songs/kindletheflame.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/songs/mywifeissohot.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/songs/haha.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/songs/blueberryorstrawberry.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/songs/didyoupaytheelectricbill.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/songs/whereistheremote.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/songs/youspenthowmuchforthoseshoes.aif']
>       jessicas = ['/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/iloveu.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/uloveme.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/wearehappy.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/wearesad.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/letsbreakup.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/letsgetbacktogether.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/walkinthesunshine.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/iloveutruly.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/whosefootisthat.aif',
>               '/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/ohbaby.aif']
>       print
>       one = playall_reload(1.00, 20.00, kevins)
>       print
>       two = playall_reload(one, 180, jessicas)
>       print
>       three = playall_reload(two, 40.00, kevins)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>       test()

I didn't read your code, but a class might make it simpler:

class Playah(object):
   def __init__(self, playlist):
     self.playlist = playlist
   def reset(self):
     self._order = randrange(len(self.playlist))
     self._i = 0
   def next():
     song = self.playlist(self._i)
     self._i += 1
     if self._i > len(self.playlist):
     return song

You could probably make it an iterable if you tried.


James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095

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