>> A) Python threads are not real threads. It multiplexes "Python Threads"
>> on a single OS thread. (Guido, can you correct me if I'm wrong,
>> and can you provide some info on multiplexing/context switching of
>> "Python Threads"?)

> Sorry, you are wrong. Python threads map 1:1 to OS threads. They are as
> real as threads come (the GIL notwithstanding).

Ok then. Just to confirm for cpython:
- Among these OS threads, only one thread can run at a time due to GIL.

A thread releases GIL (thus allow any other thread began execution)
when waiting for blocking I/O. (http://www.dabeaz.com/python/GIL.pdf)
This is similar to what we do in asyncio with awaits.

Thus, multi-threaded I/O is the next best thing if we do not use asyncio.

Then the question is still this: Which one is cheaper?
Thread overheads or asyncio overheads.

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