Hi All

I have been working on implementing Microsoft Speech API with Python. My
goal is to call AWS Polly service when a windows app uses TTS. I am stuck
as debug more provides little information about what I am doing wrong.

I put all the code here:


error.txt has the error message I get.
polly.py implements the engine as com object
talk.py runs the test code.

I can call com objects methods from another python script but when MS SAPI
calls it, it creates the object but fails to call the methods. I get a
“Catastrophic failure” message for “Speak” call. I see this as I log into a
file. I also run the code in debug mode but there is little output I can

I have this error:
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, None, None,
None, 0, -2147418113), None)

I have 64 bit versions for python and win32com, so it is not the problem as
I saw in a few other posts.

best wishes,
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