win32api.FindFiles() works when the argument is "*" or "*.py".  It  works, in 
the sense of returning an empty list, if the argument is a random name not 
present in the directory.  But it fails with "", as well as the 
name of every file in the directory that I've tried.
From: Boylan, Ross
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 5:12 PM
Subject: win32api.FindFiles hangs (was COM registration hangs up: 32 bit Python 
3.7 on 64 bit Win 7)

I tried using my 64 bit Python 3.6 and ran into the same problem.
Tracing through with pdb, the following line seems to be where it hung up:
> c:\program 
> files\python36\lib\site-packages\win32com\server\
-> moduleName = os.path.splitext(win32api.FindFiles(sys.argv[0])[0][8])[0]
(Pdb) n

Is this some kind of string conversion issue?  My installation is borked?
Manual debugging statements show sys.argv[0] is ''.

in a python 3.7 shell (32 bit) hangs.

I think I installed pywin32 via pip.
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