> Enrico Franchi wrote:
>> Come editor dopo tanti esperimenti mi sto adagiando su vim.

Carlo Miron wrote:
> /me mette un braccio intorno alle forti spalle di riko, si volta
> verso teknico, e sorride.

Sì, ma tienilo fermo per bene, altrimenti come faccio a massacrarlo di
cazzotti nella pancia?

Sul resto sorvolo, noi fondamentalisti non amiamo sentire certe cose.

Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/

As I've matured, I've realized that I want both the stability of
commitment and the freedom to explore other romantic/erotic dynamics
within hierarchical or egalitarian models. I am not a serial monogamist
exploring new partners in order to find someone better than an existing
partner. Yet, that is often how my endeavors are construed.
 - Orlando Enrique Fiol, alt.polyamory, August 2011
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