yes, that`s what I started from, my node is based on this proxy. But
it doesn`t seem to have implemented output attributes for translate/
rotate. I checked the example surface constraint too. There are only
some useful internal methods, but I guess you need to make your own
But, I just looked at multiway constraint (just have the PDFs, not the
code) and they are using pairBlend nodes. Very smart! :) So I tested
it and it works. If you output your values via pairBlend you get both:
set value, but still leave it "free" to change interactively. I also
tested adding keyframes, and Maya picked up existing pairBlend node
automaticly - even better.
So I guess it will follow animation and when constraint input would
get dirty it would set its values over keyframes.


On Aug 20, 8:35 pm, Jan Berger <> wrote:
> Didnt they introduce a MPXConstraint class at some point for custom 
> constraints
> to get this behaviour?
> At 21:29 20.08.2011, you wrote:
> >I`m working on custom constraint and wonder how Maya does the
> >connections to translate or rotate attribute, so they can be still
> >changed. I will explain it more. If you make Maya constraint, you can
> >still move constrained object around, even if there are connections.
> >Actually Maya keyframes work the same way, you couldn`t animate really
> >if once keyframe is connected object`s attribute values couldn`t
> >change.
> >So I wonder if this is internal way of plug evaluation or I need
> >specific type of attribute (constraintTranslate seems to be simple
> >double3 type). Does anyone know how this works? thanks.
> >--
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> Jan Berger

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