Hi, so I'm new to maya python and have created a tools that when I pressed 
the button, that will copy files to destination. 
As for more practice and make it cool, I want to create a progress bar when 
maya doing this work. This things also can let people clear wheter the job 
has been finished or not. 
I don't get how the cmds.progressBar work for this things, and how to put 
it. Some enlighten would be very appreciated. :) 

I also didn't get what is this and how to use it (found in this forum) : 
gMainProgressBar = maya.mel.eval('$tmp = $gMainProgressBar')

Because that's leads me to nothing. 

This is a copy of my script. 


import maya.cmds as cmds
import os
import shutil

if cmds.window('fileMover', exists=True):
    cmds.deleteUI('fileMover', window=True)

folder = os.listdir("B:/PROJECT/JTM03")
ep = []

for item in folder:
    if len(item) <= 6:

def moveButton(*args):
    listItem = cmds.textScrollList( 'scrollList', q=True, si=True)
    for item in listItem:
        episode = item.split('_')[1]
        scene = item.split('_')[2]
        shots = item.split('_')[3]
        phase = item.split('_')[4]
        finalpath =  'B:/PROJECT/JTM03/' + episode + '/' + 
phase.split('.')[0] + '/'
        newFileName = 'JT_' + episode + '_' + scene + '_shot' + 
shots.split('SH')[1] + '_ani.ma'
        srcfile = finalpath + item
        dstdir = 'V:/J_Team/3D/Shots/' + episode + '/' + scene + '/shot'+ 
shots.split('SH')[1] + '/'
        finaldst = 'V:/J_Team/3D/Shots/' + episode + '/' + scene + '/shot'+ 
shots.split('SH')[1] + '/' + newFileName
        if not os.path.exists(dstdir):
        shutil.copy2(srcfile, finaldst) 

def printMenu( episodes ):
    if cmds.textScrollList('scrollList', exists=True):
        cmds.deleteUI('scrollList', control=True)
    epFolder = []
    directory = os.listdir("B:/PROJECT/JTM03/"+str(episodes)+"/ANM")
    for file in directory:
        if file.endswith(".ma"):
    cmds.textScrollList( 'scrollList', append=epFolder, ams=True, w=300)
    if cmds.button('moveButton', exists=True):
        cmds.deleteUI('moveButton', control=True)
    cmds.button('moveButton', label='MOVE TO CLIENT FOLDER', w=300, h=50, 

window = cmds.window('fileMover', title='FILE MOVER', sizeable=False)
cmds.optionMenu( label='   EPISODES  ', changeCommand=printMenu, w=300, 
h=40 )
##dropdown menu
for i in range(0,len(ep)):
    cmds.menuItem( label = ep[i] ) 

cmds.showWindow( window )

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