yes, something like that might work, but if I am working locally from home 
sending files to someone else that is also in his own personal computer I 
can't really force that persone to set the or the other 
alternative you mentioned.
aarrggghhhh...callbacks are nice, but yeah...doesn't seem to hard to by 
pass them. I'll have to trust that people will respect the nda agreement...

About what I am trying to protect is the rig basically in 2 aspects:
1-prevent redistribution outside a production
2-prevent reverse ingeniering, which I did find out recently that a lot of 
nda's have a section stating that you agree not to do that...but can you enforce that? it is impossible.

So far the safest system is VCrypt, but as we talked before, many clients 
might refuse to use it even if provide them a license. Anyway, thanks for 
all the suggestions.

El miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2021 a las 7:47:08 UTC+2, Marcus Ottosson 

> it work is you execute that at the beginning of every maya session (for 
> instance putting it in the, but then you just have to find 
> this part of the code and remove it…
> About MSceneMessage.addCheckCallback, there are a few ways of installing 
> it.
>    - 
>    - plug-in 
>    - Script node in a New Scene Template 
> I’d argue each of these are equally insecure, in that anyone can (1) edit 
> the, or associated environment variable that points to it, (2) 
> unload the plug-in, forcefully or launch Maya without plug-ins and (3) find 
> that hidden spot where you edit the new scene template.
> can be made more secure by residing on PYTHONPATH rather than 
> in the user’s home directory. That way, you provide your own Maya 
> executable (e.g. a .bat file on Windows) whereby a userSetup of your choice 
> is added to PYTHONPATH prior to launch.
> :: maya.batset PYTHONPATH=\\server\pipeline\userSetup.pystart "c:\program 
> files\autodesk\maya2020\bin\maya.exe"
> That way, the user would be unable to launch Maya without also executing 
> this Especially if it is also what loads up relevant pipeline 
> tooling such that if they were to try and launch it without this executable 
> (which is read-only, on a network), they would be unable to even use Maya 
> for their work.
> And again, I think you have to define what you protecting against. 
> Malicious hacker-animators, or the 99% case? Because no system can ever 
> protect against every attack; not in Maya, not anywhere. If what it takes 
> to defeat your system is to bypass a hidden then I’d argue you 
> have already protected against the vast majority of cases.
> On Wed, 15 Sept 2021 at 04:02, Justin Israel <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 11:36 AM Rudi Hammad <> wrote:
>>> So I cam up with a evil idea that seems to work.
>>> . I create a script node that travels with the scene that will check 
>>> your mac address out from a list of valid addresses (that would be the ones 
>>> corresponding to the people working remotly on their personal computers).
>>>   if the address doesn't match it wont open (it opens a new file for 
>>> instance)
>>> . So then, lets say that your address is valid. Now you would think that 
>>> you can just delete the scriptNode and that's it, right? weeeeellll....I 
>>> added a callback that triggers when you delete the scriptNode, that deletes 
>>> everything .
>>> Of course we can just change that to something less evil, but maybe this 
>>> might work? save a scriptnode will what ever callback are needed, and 
>>> prevent this script node from bein delete?
>>> I don't know...I am starting to lose motivation...
>> What if I just open the scene file with the option to disable script 
>> nodes? If it's somewhat trivial to defeat the security then you have to 
>> decide if you are doing this with the goal of absolute security, or just 
>> being a deterrent and using security-via-obscurity. If there is any way to 
>> get the scene file opened, either by disabling script nodes, or by another 
>> binary to ascii conversion that can then edit the script nodes, it kind of 
>> makes this pointless if the goal is security.
>>> El lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2021 a las 22:21:47 UTC+2, 
>>> escribió:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 7:52 AM Rudi Hammad <> wrote:
>>>>> About V crypt, I got in thouch with them and they sent me the system 
>>>>> to test it in demo mode. It work pretty well, but as Justin anticipated 
>>>>> and 
>>>>> as the video showed, all clients are requiered to have the app.
>>>>> So maya is should be launched from V Crypt, and then you can open the 
>>>>> encrypted files. Which is not ideal because you are enforcing everyone to 
>>>>> purchast their system.
>>>>> So as an alternatively I tried to do something with addCheckCallback 
>>>>> that Marcus mention:
>>>>> mSceneMsgOpenCheck = OpenMaya.MSceneMessage()
>>>>> def licenseCheckOnOpen(*args):  # a function that reads your mac 
>>>>> address and if it doesn't match the hardcoded one, it won't open.
>>>>> OpenMaya.MSceneMessage.addCheckCallback(mSceneMsgOpenCheck.kBeforeOpenCheck,
>>>>> licenseCheckOnOpen)
>>>>> but that was a total work is you execute that at the 
>>>>> beginning of every maya session (for instance putting it in the 
>>>>>,  but then you just have to find this part of the code and 
>>>>> remove it...
>>>>> ps: let me know if this last part is offtopic and I'll just shut up 
>>>>> about it.
>>>> Oh I didn't even connect your MEL and callback questions to this topic. 
>>>> I see now that you were experimenting with related custom approaches. 
>>>> Yea I agree with you that it would be cumbersome to require everyone to 
>>>> purchase some encryption app license. But maybe the approach is that a 
>>>> temp 
>>>> license is given to the client on behalf of the owner of the media and the 
>>>> one imposing the workflow? Having full ownership of the Maya process, as V 
>>>> Crypt wants to do, seems like the only way to get close enough to securing 
>>>> the media. If you ever let the user have direct unregulated access to the 
>>>> source then they can disable whatever checks (callbacks or whatever). 
>>>> "Close enough" is maybe just making it hard enough to avoid mistakes and 
>>>> easily sharing things? 
>>>>> El lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2021 a las 19:22:37 UTC+2, Rudi Hammad 
>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> It was still kind in the context of encrypting a maya scene that 
>>>>>> derived from the main V Crypt topic, but we'll do.
>>>>>> El lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2021 a las 19:07:28 UTC+2, 
>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>> Please make sure to start a new thread if you want to engage in new 
>>>>>>> topics. It seems two completely new questions have been asked since the 
>>>>>>> original thread was started about V Crypt, and are entirely unrelated. 
>>>>>>> Thanks! 
>>>>>>> On Tue, 14 Sep 2021, 4:25 am Rudi Hammad, <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> That's it! thanks Juan
>>>>>>>> El lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2021 a las 15:33:57 UTC+2, Juan 
>>>>>>>> Moraga escribió:
>>>>>>>>> Try using "def onOpenCallBack(*args):" instead. 
>>>>>>>>> Callbacks may pass on arguments to you method, which you can use 
>>>>>>>>> or not. But you need to allow the function to receive these 
>>>>>>>>> arguments, 
>>>>>>>>> otherwise it will raise an exception.
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 13 Sep 2021, 15:09 Rudi Hammad, <> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>> any idea why this is not working?
>>>>>>>>>> I opened a scene and created this callback, and then saved the 
>>>>>>>>>> scene
>>>>>>>>>> def onOpenCallBack():
>>>>>>>>>>    print "this is a test"
>>>>>>>>>> checkCallback = 
>>>>>>>>>> OpenMaya.MSceneMessage.addCheckCallback(OpenMaya.MSceneMessage.kBeforeOpenCheck,
>>>>>>>>>> onOpenCallBack)
>>>>>>>>>> Now when I open the scene I get this error:
>>>>>>>>>> # TypeError: onOpenCallBack() takes no arguments (2 given) // 
>>>>>>>>>> // Warning: line 0: Python callback failed // 
>>>>>>>>>> but I didn't give any arguments. Why is it saying given 2? are 
>>>>>>>>>> they *args and **kwargs? Still, any idea why this is not working?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>> El lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2021 a las 22:23:04 UTC+2, Rudi 
>>>>>>>>>> Hammad escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>> oh, about the screenshots. If the rig is encapsulated in a black 
>>>>>>>>>>> box, maybe it would be possible set a callback preventing from 
>>>>>>>>>>> unlocking 
>>>>>>>>>>> the blackbox?
>>>>>>>>>>> That way you can check want is inside and take screenshot.
>>>>>>>>>>> El lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2021 a las 22:02:29 UTC+2, Rudi 
>>>>>>>>>>> Hammad escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Quick question, I haven't use mel in 4 years now so it is 
>>>>>>>>>>>> probably something foolish but why is this not working?
>>>>>>>>>>>> string $toEval = "def foo():import uuid; macAddress = 
>>>>>>>>>>>> uuid.getnode(); return macAddress; foo()";
>>>>>>>>>>>> string $macAddress = python($toEval);
>>>>>>>>>>>> print $x;
>>>>>>>>>>>> I would expect $x to print my computer mac address by it is 
>>>>>>>>>>>> empty.
>>>>>>>>>>>> El lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2021 a las 15:39:02 UTC+2, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marcus, thanks for your comment!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I talked about export I meant not to ma or mb, I meant 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for example to alembic or other,  because as I knew alembic 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> export is like 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a separate plugin, and .correct me if I am wrong export to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> alembic will be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ignored by this callback.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've not understood you, sorry, yes it is already protected, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but if this protected scene to /myrig.mb will be referenced in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the main 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> scene, during the main parent scene opening, I will need to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> decrypt my 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rig.mb and any other child scene which is referenced and send to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a remote 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> worker,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or I understand you wrong)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> About RAM I'm sorry, that's my mistake, later edited the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> message, but was too late, you absolutely right!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> понедельник, 6 сентября 2021 г. в 13:27:48 UTC+3, Marcus 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ottosson: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The part of Maya that does the serialisation to ma and mb - 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be it via export or save - is a singular point of access. The 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scene 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> callbacks should account for all ways in which creating those is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> including via Python and MEL. It wouldn’t account for manual 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> export to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other formats, but there’s no end to that. Screenshotting your 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> viewport is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a format too, albeit a lossy one. But I’d argue that depending 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on what you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want to protect, if that is rigs and animation, the Maya scene 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> format 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be enough.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - OpenMaya.MSceneMessage.addCheckCallback() 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And all of it must be done recursively on the whole data tree 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in scene
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I’d argue not. The information you protect is the information 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the scene file. If that scene file consists of an absolute 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> path to e.g. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c:\myassets\myrig.mb then that is *already* protected; 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nobody can access that file but you on your local machine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so at some point how to handle your RAM memory, because you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can’t store this encrypted data somewhere…)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I’d argue not (again :)). Is it to protect against 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hacker-animators and hacker-riggers? Or against the general 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> workforce that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has no clue about callbacks and encryption? If the latter, then 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> saving it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into a temp directory first, and encrypting it after should 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suffice. To the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user, the file would end up where they said it should. But 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really, it’s a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different file altogether. Then that file is copied back into a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temp 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directory and decrypted whenever they open it. All of that can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happen on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disk.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And besides, memory is just another location. A 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> motivated-enough hacker-animator could access RAM as easily as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any location 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on disk. Doesn’t increase the level of protection.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 6 Sept 2021 at 11:02, Andrew Golubev <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is a very interesting discussion.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah, I will agree that it definitely must be invisible - so 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> artists don't even know that encryption happened.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But you can't stop on scene saving and loading, you should 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create lots of workarounds in this "secure Maya client".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somehow you need to lock any exporting of data inside in any 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> format, hide\lock\encrypt code of all used inside scripts, lock 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any new 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> plugin loading\or current plugins disabling. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And lock script editor, or make some sort of interceptor, to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ensure, that no script will run to export or explore private 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scene data. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, if I understand all correctly, it will give a lot of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restrictions for people who work with their tools(it will lock 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> layout of instruments you gave to them).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And this only stuff that comes up to mind immediately, I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think during the development of such Maya launch wrapper lot's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> underwater stones will come up eventually.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, if in your scene you will have references, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during reference load you will need to decrypt this data,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same will go to any geometry\textures or any files - you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will need to decrypt on the run.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All of it must be done recursively on the whole data tree in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scene,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so at some point how to handle your RAM memory, because you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't store this encrypted data somewhere.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And even this will not save you from attempt to try take 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this decrypted data from RAM...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> воскресенье, 5 сентября 2021 г. в 10:27:53 UTC+3, Marcus 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ottosson: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree with you. This would not solve all problems with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working remotely, but it would solve some. Perhaps the biggest 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namely accidental sharing and theft. I have also personally 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> received 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> material from artists at studios that really shouldn't have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> managed to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> leave the studio. Some even have limited internet access with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> local 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> browsers accessible only through a virtual machine or local 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VNC connection, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and assets *still* manage to leave the premises.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That not only puts the studio at risk, but the recipient 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> too. Both as a private person, as now your machine can leak 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> confidential 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> material, and as another business. If a leak should happen 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that leads to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loss of cash for any larger entity such as WB there will be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> investigations 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and consequences. Private persons can get in trouble and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> businesses can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> crumble.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The part I'm sceptical about is whether this particular 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tool is what solves this problem. If it complicates saving and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loading of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenes (and even launching of Maya?) then I'd imagine people 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simply would 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not use it. But the idea sounds worth exploring, so off the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> top of my head 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would try implementing a scene save/open callback to perform 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encryption live and natively, rather than rely on an external 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tool. It 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could be as simple as letting Maya produce that binary `.mb` 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file of 1's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and 0's, and reversing the whole thing on save, and then do 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the opposite on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> load. No one would know it happened, and it would unlikely 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have any 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noticeable effect on save/load time, and there are equal 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> callbacks for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exporting.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 4 Sept 2021 at 22:26, Rudi Hammad <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think they must have thought about the export aswell. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Otherwise it wouldn't make any sense.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Of course ideally you would each person would work in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their office stations remotly, but it is not up to me. So if 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I choose not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work with a client unless he guaranties remote workstation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solutions, I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will loose a lot of work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also  many studios have not the resources , and even if 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they do, the lag is some times to high to work remotly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many times sharing is accidental due to the lack of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> control, or planning in a production. In my experience I was 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> freelance work a couple of month a go. And we where all 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working remotly in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our personal computers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The supervisor at somepoint, sent me a rig from another 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project as a reference. So obviously that was accidental 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because working in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this situations like that, you do always thing that you are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing anywrong.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So even if you sign NDAs, and you have good intentions, it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can leak. And of course, there is always people with bad 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intentions, so we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't be naive thinking that everyone will be professional. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work with a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guy who managed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to get rigs that he shouldn't have. When I asked how did 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he get them, he told me he took them out of the office in his 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My point being, that with a system like V Crypt, wheter it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is by accident or not, it might be the solution to encrypt 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> files and safely 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work as freelance (specially for me since now I am full time 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> freelancer)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll keep you posted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2021 a las 22:59:06 UTC+2, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 5, 2021 at 8:38 AM Marcus Ottosson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is true, that does sound like a good idea. Assuming 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the software actually does what it says on the tin, it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would at least 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect against theft and accidental sharing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It wouldn’t protect against sending files though, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because if someone wanted to send some model or some rig, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they could still 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just export it to a new .ma? For that, you’d probably 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be better off intermingling it with custom nodes. Like how 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything rigged 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with mGear is riddled with mGear nodes, making anyone 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attempting to open 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that rig without mGear loaded left with a sorely broken 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rig. And no amount 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of exporting or tampering with the scene file could fix it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From the video it looks like you have to launch Maya from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their launcher, which I assume installs a particular 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reader/writer plugin. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wonder if it's specific to ma/mb file types or if it hooks 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into every 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type. Because I was thinking that same thing you said about 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exporting to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other formats, and would that go through the same hook?  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also once Maya is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> launched, could someone turn off the plugin after the scene 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is loaded?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When it comes to protecting stuff like code, usually you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hear the best security is to just never let the source get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> onto the client 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> side. But with DCC scene files if you have to work with them 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> locally then 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it feels like there is going to be some way to defeat it. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once its 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unencrypted in the DCC, there must be a weakness that might 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just be more 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> obscure to many people and the security is really just 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> focused on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> obvious act of copying files around. Probably the better 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> approach is just 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not letting people work on their person workstations and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only support a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remote workstation solution like teradici.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 4 Sept 2021 at 19:50, Rudi Hammad <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes I am refereing to the actual file, not source code.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here's a usecase:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due to covid a lot of production are done remotly. In 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somecase you can connect  by logging remotly to office 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> computers to work, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in which case no protection is needed since it pretty much 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as if you where 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the office.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But in many cases, the files are sent to personal 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> computers. Let's say  you rig  characters  that are sent 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to 10 different 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> animators to their personal computers. Despite the NDAs, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its impossible to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> police everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specially if you don't know the client but you don't 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want to miss the opportunity to get a job. There is no 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guaranty that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> someone will not leak the file outside the production.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So here is where you use in V Crypt system. It is not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like you are recieving a file from an untrusted source 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because you are part 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a production and you know that your .mb and .ma files 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are from the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rigger not form a the prince
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of niggeria that is asking you for money XD.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's seem a pretty secure way of working don't you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think? you know you recieve a file that is encrypted 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because you know you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are in production context. You can open it and work with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it. It simply 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> won't work outside you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> El sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2021 a las 20:06:47 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UTC+2, Marcus Ottosson escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To protect the contents of a Maya file? Typically 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protection would involve software, like Python source, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but you mean to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect like a model or some animation? At that point, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why wouldn’t you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just hold onto the file, and not send it or make it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> publicly available? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe you have a particualr usecase in mind, because I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can’t quite see it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also I would be most weary opening an .mb from an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> untrusted source. That’s what .ma is for, so you can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inspect it for any script-related things. I’ve been 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bitten before and, as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they saying goes, fool me once.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 4 Sept 2021 at 16:17, Rudi Hammad <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a while a go I create a thread about protecting your 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Along the same lines I saw this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> V Crypt maya files 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So in theory, you can generate a license for the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> computer mac address, and inside your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .ma and .mb so some kind of assertion make sure sure 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the file is being open in the right computer. And 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since both files are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> crypted, you can remove that block of the code.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, if you try to saveAs, it is saved with th 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> crypted format.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It seems like a good solution right? what do you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> R
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