
the solution was to use [ILSPY](http://ilspy.net/) to investigate the DLL
and find dependencies (right click recursively for each DLL). Then I copied
all the dependencies to the same folder where the main DLL was. After that,
I ran: <pre>print [a for a in clr.ListAssemblies(False)</pre> and get the
list of dependencies which are actually involved:

u'isc.Eng.Hov', u'Microsoft.VisualBasic', u'System.Windows.Forms',
u'System.Drawing', u'Accessibility'

and left them in the folder.
After doing so the part of code:



import isc.Eng.Hov as isk
from isk import *

started work.

Thank you, Denis, for help!

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 5:55 PM Artem Zhukov <green.azhu...@gmail.com>

> Ubuntu 16.4,
> Python 2.7.12
> Mono 4.2.4 (I used this to install
> https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/blob/master/.travis.yml)
> pythonnet (2.2.0.dev1)
> pythonnet is working correctly. I have another DLL and I able to refer to
> it with no problems
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 5:02 PM Denis Akhiyarov <denis.akhiya...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> are you on Linux and Mono? What python/Mono/pythonnet versions and
> architecture?
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 9:57 AM, Artem Zhukov <green.azhu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> In [6]: clr.AddReference("isc.Eng.Hov")
> Out[6]: <System.Reflection.MonoAssembly at 0x7fa5fc0848d0>
> In [7]: import isc.Eng.Hov
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-7-4f185d6b3880> in <module>()
> ----> 1 import isc.Eng.Hov
> ImportError: No module named isc.Eng.Hov
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 4:56 PM Artem Zhukov <green.azhu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> On my machine:
> In [6]: clr.AddReference("isc.Eng.Hov")
> Out[6]: <System.Reflection.MonoAssembly at 0x7fa5fc0848d0>
> In [7]: import isc.Eng.Hov
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-7-4f185d6b3880> in <module>()
> ----> 1 import isc.Eng.Hov
> ImportError: No module named isc.Eng.Hov
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 4:28 PM Denis Akhiyarov <denis.akhiya...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I used ILSPY to inspect your dll and here is how you need to use it (just
> tried and it works!):
> In [1]: import clr
> In [2]: import sys
> In [3]:
> sys.path.append(r"C:\Users\denis.akhiyarov\Downloads\TestEngine_Compile
>    ...: d")
> In [4]: clr.AddReference("isc.Eng.Hov")
> Out[4]: <System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly at 0x51de4a8>
> In [5]: import isc.Eng.Hov
> In [6]: from isc.Eng.Hov import *
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 8:32 AM, Artem Zhukov <green.azhu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Denis,
> 1. from isc.Eng.Hov import * . Result: ImportError: No module named
> isc.Eng.Hov
> 2. import HovEngine. Result: ImportError: No module named HovEngine
> 3. import isc.Eng.Hov.HovEngine. Result: ImportError: No module named
> isc.Eng.Hov.HovEngine
> 4. from isc.Eng.Hov.HovEngine import *. Result ImportError: No module
> named isc.Eng.Hov.HovEngine
> I don't know where the mistake could be hidden. As I see from object
> browser the namespace is HovEngine.
> [image: unspecified.jpg]
> Then, what's wrong?
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 2:12 PM Denis Akhiyarov <denis.akhiya...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Artem,
> If clr.FindAssembly("isc.Eng.Hov") and clr.AddReference("isc.Eng.Hov") are
> working fine, then you need to `import HovEngine`, but not `import
> isc.Eng.Hov`.
> This is assuming isc.Eng.Hov is assembly name, and HovEngine is namespace
> name.
> Thanks,
> Denis
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016, 12:08 AM Artem Zhukov <green.azhu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> please help me to resolve the following problem. I was trying a lot of
> things (see 1) and still didn't get it. There is also a project on
> freelancer for that (see 2):
>    1.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40037684/adding-reference-to-net-assembly-which-has-dots-in-name-and-namespace
>    2. https://www.freelancer.com/contest/Write-some-Software-867914.html
> --
> ARTEM ZHUKOV | HVAC/Mech.Engineer | Building Performance Engineer |
> Sustainability Engineer | HVAC TPM | M: +420 774 081 898 <774%20081%20898>
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> ARTEM ZHUKOV | HVAC/Mech.Engineer | Building Performance Engineer |
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> ARTEM ZHUKOV | HVAC/Mech.Engineer | Building Performance Engineer |
> Sustainability Engineer | HVAC TPM | M: +420 774 081 898 <774%20081%20898>
> --
> ARTEM ZHUKOV | HVAC/Mech.Engineer | Building Performance Engineer |
> Sustainability Engineer | HVAC TPM | M: +420 774 081 898
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> --
> ARTEM ZHUKOV | HVAC/Mech.Engineer | Building Performance Engineer |
> Sustainability Engineer | HVAC TPM | M: +420 774 081 898 <774%20081%20898>
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Sustainability Engineer | HVAC TPM | M: +420 774 081 898
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