On Wed, Oct 13, 2010, Erik van Blokland wrote:
> This question is about issues with Twisted on OSX. It might be too  
> twistd specific, the issue has popped up in other OSX 10.6 / python  
> contexts. So I will give it a shot.
> Last year I struggled with crashes in a process using twisted.web,  
> Quartz and OSX 10.6:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythonmac-sig/2009-December/022006.html
> Taking a fresh look (and some excellent help from a friend) I've managed 
> to remove Quartz from the suspect list. The daemonising function in 
> twisted calls fork(), but not exec(), similar to this bug:
>>      http://bugs.python.org/issue7895

As the bug says, it's likely related to GUI use (there should be a more
detailed message from Ronald in this list's archives or the pyobjc list),
so I would bet that you haven't removed all Quartz usage or that you're
somehow activating some other GUI mechanism.

You might also look at what the multiprocessing module does, we use that
extensively with our GUI app and it works fine.
Aahz (a...@pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

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