2010/5/25 Pierre JUILLARD <pierre.juill...@gmail.com>

> Dear pythonOCC team,
> I would like to know if PythonOCC wrap some OCC functionalities regarding
> STEP AP209?
> As I pointed out in a previous mail, it is indicated 
> here<http://www.opencascade.org/about/news/issue103/>and
> here <http://www.opencascade.org/about/news/issue108/> that OCC has some
> compatibility with this neutral format.
> I thank you in advance for your indications.
> Best regards,
> Pierre
Hi Pierre,

I didn't test the AP209 features, but OCC supports the AP209. Don't know
however what it returns.

Could you provide a sample AP209 file so that we could test these features?

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