2014-03-11 5:30 GMT+01:00 Cory Cohen <cfco...@verizon.net>:

> Hello Thomas and others,
> I recently tried to update my version of OCE to the latest tip at GitHub,
> and while OCE built fine, it appears that the latest version of PythonOCC
> is not compatible with OCE versions more recent than 0.12.
> I was a bit surprised to find the current tip of PythonOCC nearly a full
> year behind OCE. Is anyone able to comment on the issues surrounding the
> synchronization? Are there technical problems, or is it just a resource
> issue? Or perhaps there's some reason why keeping PythonOCC on a more
> stable release is attractive? Hopefully PythonOCC development is still
> active. If it's not, that would be important to me...
> I ask in part because I've managed to core dump python several times while
> working with PythonOCC, and would like to see whether the latest version of
> OCE has corrected the problems. It seems likely that these problems are in
> OCE and not in PythonOCC.
> I'm willing to work on the bringing PythonOCC release up-to-date, but not
> if I'm wasting or duplicating effort. Is the delay caused by some thorny
> problem that will take me hours to get to where you're already at, or is it
> just a matter of nobody having slogged through the build errors? Is there a
> plan for a new release that I'm unaware of?
> Any guidance that you or anyone else on the list can provide would be
> appreciated.
> Cory
Hi Cory,

Thanks for posting!

On my osx machine, I run a pythonocc on top of oce-0.14. Sharing this work
is not as simple as it should be (see below).

The lack of synchronisation between OCE and pythonOCC can be explained as
follows: let v_oce be the development speed of OCE, and v_pythonocc the
development speed of pythonOCC. OCE involves many more users/devs than OCE
so we can consider that v_pythonocc = 0.5*v_oce. As a consequence, both
projects are active and evolve, but the distance between them grows with
the time: d = (v_oce - v_pythonocc)*t ;)

To improve the synchronization between both projects :
* first, it's not necessary IMO that pythonocc follows the short oce
release cycle ;
* second, we should speed up pythonocc developments.

Three issues that slows down pythonocc development:
(1) * Porting issues are the cause for a high viscosity in the pythonocc
dev pipe. So far, I used to maintain both linux/osx/win32 platforms, but I
don't have the time anymore.
(2) * Another issue is that the library I chose at the beginning of the
project, to generate swig files from c++ headers became deprecated (FYI,
pyplusplus and pygccxml). This is especially an issue on Windows platforms.
(3) * Too many bug reports/contributions/patches deal with some python
scripts. pythonocc development issues are not related to its usage.

* for (1), pythonocc project needs linux and windows maintainers. The
problem is that each linux distribution has its own specificities, the same
for windows (32/64, XP, 7, 8 etc).
* for (2), the solution is to use a pure python C++ header parser:
* for (3), pythonocc needs people comfortable with C++, Python and Swig.

(1) and (3) depends on the community.
(2) I started the port from pygxxml to CppHeaderParser (

The port to oce-0.14 is an going work available in the dev branch
tp/oce-0.14 on the github repository.

Best Regards,

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