
> Could you clarify the relationship between ModuleA and ModuleB? Maybe post
> some minimal example code.

I’ve put a simple example project on GitHub: 

I am trying to implement basic Qbs support for the RT operating system ChibiOS 
(https://www.chibios.org <https://www.chibios.org/>). It supports a wide range 
of hardware platforms and peripheral components and is highly configurable. The 
OS is statically linked into the finally binary. Specific Hardware support can 
be enabled and disabled at will.

The example code I have published tries to mimic the original source code 
layout and „supports“ two types of peripheral components: ADC and CAN. Each 
peripheral component consists of a generic, abstract part in the OS and a 
corresponding (low level) driver implementation which might come in different 
versions depending on the specific board the build is targeting.

What I would like to end up with is the following:

RTOSApplication {
        RTOS.enableADC: true
        Depends { name: "boards.Board1“ }
        file: "main.c"

Qbs has to
        - include the needed source files both for the OS and the driver
        - set the appropriate compiler defines
        - set the appropriate include paths

Currently the board modules depend on the concrete drivers modules 
conditionally. By using this design the list properties (sourceFiles, defines, 
includePaths) automatically get appended to instead of replaced. And it is 
exactly these conditional dependencies that do not work.

The modules A, B and C from my original post map to the modules in my example 
as follows:

ModuleA -> RTOS
ModuleB -> board.Board1, board.Board2
ModuleC -> driver.adc.v1, driver.adc.v2, driver.can.v1



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