Christian Kandeler wrote on 10. June 2020 10:09 (GMT +02:00):

> On Tue, 9 Jun 2020 20:55:43 +0200
> Christian Gudrian <> wrote:
>> Could it be that only a restricted set of variables is available during
>> evaluation of the module’s „condition“ property? Neither
>> „product“ nor any imported modules’ variables can be accessed
>> („Can’t find variable“ error).
>> Is that a known limitation or am I doing something wrong?
> Remember that the module has not been loaded yet, so the right-hand side
> of the condition property is rather restricted in terms of what you can
> access there. Basically, it's just the qbs module.

And of course the module's own properties set in the module file, except those 
referring to probes. But we do evaluate the module condition in a product 
context. Is that not the real product context or at least very close? E.g. if 
product sets moduleX.propA to true and depends on moduleX, is propA then not 
true when evaluating the condition? At least that was my expectation in my 
previous reply. Also, doesn't it make sense to provide access to custom product 
properties in that phase?
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