On 07/30/2018 02:54 PM, Nir Soffer wrote:

$ qemu-img
qemu-img: Not enough arguments
Try 'qemu-img --help' for more information

This is not user friendly, but unfortunately very common.
It can be improved by treating no arguments as --help, like git.

I somewhat disagree that git is a good example. If '--help' occupies more than about 25 lines (a screenful on some default terminal sizes), the mere fact that you have to scroll to read it makes it less helpful than a 2-liner statement that lets you know "I couldn't do anything useful with your botched command line, please read the documentation and try again". 'git' behaving as 'git --help' outputs 42 lines, which fails my 'one screenful' test; and 'qemu-img --help' at 104 lines is definitely too verbose to be the default behavior when --help is not given.

/me Wow - I can't believe I'm actually about to use this as an example, but:

'cvs' and 'cvs --help' is just 13 lines (except to stderr, when it should have been stdout), and gives enough hints on how to get more specific help on a particular topic. Great for the plain 'cvs' case; a bit more debatable on 'cvs --help' (the fact that you have to ask for help twice: once for the summary, again for the specific help, gets tedious).

At any rate, getting command-line tools to have user-friendly behavior when insufficient arguments are supplied is an artform, and you'll find lots of bikeshed colors out there.

And regardless of any opinions I've expressed above, this thread does point out that 104 lines for 'qemu-img --help' is long, and anything we can do to make that easier to digest may still be worthwhile.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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