On 11/19/18 4:37 AM, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:

Actually, I tracked this message down to using socat (which actually
connects and then abruptly exits) when probing whether the socket is up and
listening.  That is, the message is being produced as a side effect of
nbd_server_wait_for_tcp_socket rather than during the actual $QEMU_IMG
command we are interested in testing.

This is the first use of socat in iotests.  Might not be the most
portable, but I don't know if I have better ideas.
nbdkit.git/tests/test-ip.sh greps the output of 'ss -ltn' to locate free
ports, but I don't know if ss is any better than socat.

So, I'm planning to squash this in, to use ss instead of socat, as follows:

Personally I prefer socat since it is more portable, per my previous

socat is indeed probably more portable, but since tests 233 uses '_supported_os Linux', ss availability isn't a problem until a future user ports this test to non-Linux. I'd like to patch qemu-nbd to NOT warn about a user that connects but does not consume data (the socat case, as well as port probes), but as that patch does not exist yet and -rc2 is getting close, I'll go ahead and send the pull request with ss instead of socat.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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