On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 4:42 AM Gerd Hoffmann <kra...@redhat.com> wrote:

>   Hi,
> >   https://gitlab.com/jsnow/qemu.git tags/python-pull-request
> What is the status of the plan to upload this to pypi eventually?
Thanks for asking!

The honest answer is "I'm not exactly sure", but there are a few things to
work out still. Let me use this as an opportunity to try and give you an
honest answer.
We've got four packages right now: qmp, aqmp, machine and utils.

- I don't intend to *ever* upload utils, I created that one specifically as
an in-tree package for "low quality" code that we just need as glue.
- aqmp is brand new. It was moved as the default provider for the QMP
protocol in the tree (being used by machine.py) only two weeks ago. I am
using this current RC testing phase to find any problems with it.
- qmp is something I want to deprecate, I don't intend to upload it to
PyPI. I intend to rename aqmp -> qmp and have just the one qmp package. I
can't do this until next release, and only after we are confident and happy
that aqmp is stable enough.
- machine has a few problems with it. I am reluctant to upload it in its
current form. I am actively developing a new version of it that uses the
new Async QMP module. However, this might take a bit of time, I fear.

So, I think I have this timeline for myself:

- Fix bugs in AQMP package revealed during RC testing
- Introduce sync wrapper for AQMP that resembles the native AQMP interface
more than it resembles the "legacy QMP" interface.
- Remove all QEMU source tree uses of qemu.qmp and qemu.aqmp.legacy.
- Delete qemu.qmp and rename qemu.aqmp to qemu.qmp.
- Split python/qemu/qmp out into its own repository and begin uploading it
to PyPI, as a test. (Do not delete python/qemu/qmp yet at this phase.)
- Transition any users of the Python packages in the QEMU source tree to
installing the QMP dependency from PyPI instead of grabbing it from the
- Delete python/qemu/qmp from the QEMU source tree at this moment;
"re-fork" the package if necessary to collect any commits since the "test
split" procedure.

Some questions to work out:
- What tools should be uploaded with qemu.qmp? a version of qmp-shell is
high on the list for me. qom, qom-set, qom-get, qom-list, qom-tree,
qom-fuse etc I am suspecting might be better left behind in qemu.utils
instead, though. I am not sure I want to support those more broadly. They
weren't designed for "external consumption".
- qemu-ga-client should be moved over into utils, or possibly even deleted
-- it hasn't seen a lot of love and I doubt there are any users. I don't
have the bandwidth to refurbish it for no users. Maybe if there's a demand
in the future ...

... This might be being overcautious, though. Perhaps I can upload a
version of "qemu.aqmp" even this week just as a demonstration of how it
would work.

Happy to take suggestions/feedback on this process.


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