On 06/11/2012 08:25 PM, Stefan Hajnoczi wrote:
On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Harsh Bora<ha...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>  wrote:
On 06/07/2012 08:02 PM, Stefan Hajnoczi wrote:

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 10:50 AM, Harsh Prateek Bora
<ha...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>    wrote:
@@ -75,16 +96,22 @@ static char *trace_file_name = NULL;
  * Returns false if the record is not valid.
-static bool get_trace_record(unsigned int idx, TraceRecord *record)
+static bool get_trace_record(unsigned int idx, TraceRecord **recordptr)
-    if (!(trace_buf[idx].event&    TRACE_RECORD_VALID)) {

+    uint8_t temp_rec[ST_REC_HDR_LEN];
+    TraceRecord *record = (TraceRecord *) temp_rec;
+    read_from_buffer(idx, temp_rec, ST_REC_HDR_LEN);
+    if (!(record->event&    TRACE_RECORD_VALID)) {

         return false;

     __sync_synchronize(); /* read memory barrier before accessing record

The need for the memory barrier is no longer clear.  Previously we
were directly accessing the trace ring buffer, and therefore needed to
ensure fields were settled before accessing them.  Now we use
read_from_buffer() which copies the data into our temporary struct on
the stack.

I think the best way of doing it is to read the event field first in a
separate step, then do the read memory barrier, and then read the rest
of the record.  This ensures that the event field is at least as "old"
as the other fields we read.

Currently, it does a two step read:

read header (which includes event field and length of record as well)
read rest of record (using length from header)

Are you suggesting this:

read event field only
sync (if event valid)
read header (for length)
read rest of record (using length)


read event field only
sync (if event valid)
read header (for length)
read rest of record

header, sync, rest of header + payload

I guess, we should read complete header after sync as well.

The reason for the read barrier is to ensure that we don't read stale
header fields (e.g. length) together with an up-to-date "valid" event

-    *record = trace_buf[idx];
-    record->event&= ~TRACE_RECORD_VALID;

+    *recordptr = g_malloc(record->length);
+    /* make a copy of record to avoid being overwritten */
+    read_from_buffer(idx, (uint8_t *)*recordptr, record->length);
+    (*recordptr)->event&= ~TRACE_RECORD_VALID;
     return true;



Are you suggesting to use locking here ? I couldnt find a test-and-set
alternative in glib2. Does qemu have access to any such interface ?

How about:

I think this becomes:

while True:
     old_idx = trace_idx
     new_idx = old_idx + rec_len

     if new_idx - write_idx>  TRACE_BUF_LEN:

     if g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange((gint *)&trace_idx, old_idx, new_idx):

Now we've reserved [new_idx, new_idx + rec_len).

Hmm :) I realized that after sending mail, however thanks for the algo.

+void trace_record_finish(TraceBufferRecord *rec);
+uint32_t safe_strlen(const char* str);

Given that safe_strlen() is only used once and a generic utility (not
specific to the simple trace backend), I suggest dropping it an just
open coding the tristate operator: s ? strlen(s) : 0.

safe_strlen is used multiple times in auto-generated code by tracetool in
expression for calculating the sum of size of trace arguments which as of
now looks like:

8 + 8 + 4 + safe_strlen(str1) + 8 + 4 + safe_strlen(str2) ...

for tracing events with string arguments. For trace events with multiple
strings, this expression is more readable as compared to having an
expression with tristate operator like this:

8 + 8 + 4 + (str1 ? strlen(str1) : 0) + 8  + 4 + (str2 ? strlen(str2) : 0)

I agree that its a generic function and need not be placed in tracing code,
let me know the right place where to put it if you think its worth keeping

The generic place to put it is cutils.c.  It's up to you if you want to keep it.

Hmm, I gave it a second thought and realized that having a generic qemu_strlen would require to return a negative value when string is null as non-null strings can return 0 as well, however tracing code required value 0 when string is NULL, so I dropped the idea of qemu_strlen (safe_strlen) and using tristate operators only.

Sending the updated patch series in a while.



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