On 08/16/2012 01:47 PM, Richard Davies wrote:
> Hi,
> We run a cloud hosting provider using qemu-kvm 1.1, and are keen to find a
> contractor to track down and fix problems we have with large memory Windows
> guests booting very slowly - they can take several hours.
> We previously reported these problems in July (copied below) and they are
> still present with Linux kernel 3.5.1 and qemu-kvm 1.1.1.
> This is a serious issue for us which is causing significant pain to our
> larger Windows VM customers when their servers are offline for many hours
> during boot.
> If anyone knowledgeable in the area would be interested in being paid to
> work on this, or if you know someone who might be, I would be delighted to
> hear from you.

I happen to be gainfully employed but maybe I can help.  Can you collect
a trace during the slow boot period and post in somewhere?  See
http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Tracing for instructions.

4G/8way is not a particularly large guest.  What is the host
configuration (memory, core count)?

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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