Am 30.01.2013 01:44, schrieb Kuo-Jung Su:
> 2013/1/29 Andreas Färber < <>>
>     Gerd, what are your thoughts? If Kuo-Jung doesn't mind, I would offer to
>     send a v2 implementing the changes I suggested in the way you prefer.
> Don't worry about me, I'm O.K to any changes. It does not bother me at all,
> what's really killing me is only the patch rules....

I started looking into this but I feel we should defer both my realizefn
patch and the fusbh200 addition to 1.5, so that it can get sufficient
review. It turned out less trivial than I thought. ;)
Will send an RFC the next days.


P.S. Kuo-Jung, please try to avoid HTML-formatted replies to the list,
the quoting breaks then. Thanks.

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