On 06/01/2013 02:09 PM, Peter Cheung wrote:
> i start my qemu by this
> ~/qemu/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -hda hd10meg.img -gdb tcp::1234 -k en-us -S -m 
> 256m
> it was working before, but not for the latest code. When i use GDB to connect 
> to it, it show up a warning message and i was unable to start qemu. Please 
> take a look the attachment.
> thanks                                          

Posting 1 megabyte screenshots is considered poor netiquette - your 1M
incoming is multiplied to several hundred megabytes outgoing based on
the large number of subscribers to this list, which puts a burden on the
mail server.  Then, not everyone has cheap fast internet connections,
and downloading a megabyte message is not trivial.  And several list
readers prefer to see only plain text emails by default, where your
screenshot requires lots of extra work to even see what you are talking
about.  Please, don't send images when a copy-and-paste of the terminal
contents will do; or at a minimum consider posting the screenshot to a
website then posting only the URL to that website in your mail message.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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