On 08/15/2013 09:01:19 AM, Herbei Dacian wrote:

yes but which binary do I use to call to run an emulated arm image?

is there an actual binary that can emulate an existing arm board, anyboard?
if not which is the emulator that works with arm?
If not where is the project that I can tweak to build such a binary.

The arm versatilepb emulation can accept a range of processors (I've tried armv4, armv4t, armv5, armv6, and armv7), provides a PCI bus with a virtual hard drive controller and network card, and can accept 256 megs of ram. (In theory it can accept more but I have to get the discontiguous memory stuff to work, haven't done that yet.)

That's the one I used in Aboriginal Linux arm images.


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