On 10/30/2013 07:49 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:

> The first proposal is to add another parameter, say "id".  Users can
> then refer either to an arbitrary BDS by "id", or (for backward
> compatibility) to the root BDS by "device".  When the code sees
> "device", it'll look up the BB, then fetch its root BDS.
> CON: Existing parameter "device" becomes compatibility cruft.
> PRO: Clean and obvious semantics (in my opinion).

I like this one as well.

> The second proposal is to press the existing parameter "device" into
> service for referring to BDS node_name.
> To keep backward compatibility, we obviously need to ensure that
> whenever the old code accepts a value of "device", the new code accepts
> it as well, and both resolve it to the same BDS.
> What about situations where the old code rejects a value of "device"?
> The new code may resolve it to a non-root BDS that happens to have that
> ID...
> What about dynamic reconfiguration changing the root?  Example: a
> synchronous snapshot splices in a QCOW2, which becomes the new root.  In
> the current code, device_name refers to the new root.  Wouldn't that
> require the BDS ID of the old root moves to the new root?  But that
> would mean BDS IDs change!

Having device_name tied to the BB, and ID tied to each BDS, seems much
more workable in the long run.

>> My personnal suggestion would be that non specified node-name would be set to
>> "undefined" meaning that no operation could occur on this bs.
> Yes, that's how IDs work elsewhere.


> [QMP and HMP code using bdrv_find() snipped]
> I think we should review with the QMP schema first, code second.

Yes, get the interface right, and then it's easier to review the code
that implements the interface.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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