2010/1/15 Blue Swirl <blauwir...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 6:46 PM, Artyom Tarasenko
> <atar4q...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> According to pages 9-31 - 9-34 of "SuperSPARC & MultiCache Controller
>> User's Manual":
>> 1. "A lower priority fault may not overwrite the
>>    MFSR status of a higher priority fault."
>> 2. The MFAR is overwritten according to the policy defined for the MFSR
>> 3. The overwrite bit is asserted if the fault status register (MFSR)
>>   has been written more than once by faults of the same class
>> 4. SuperSPARC will never place instruction fault addresses in the MFAR.
>> Implementation of points 1-3 allows booting Solaris 2.6 and 2.5.1.
> Nice work! This also passes my tests.

I'm afraid we still are not there yet though: Solaris 7 fails potentially due to
another bug in the MMU emulation, and the initial [missing-] RAM
detection in OBP fails
very probably due to a bug in in the MMU emulation.

> However, there are some CODING_STYLE issues.

Is it something you do by hand (or, actually, by eyes), or is there a
way I can automatically test my patches before sending?

Artyom Tarasenko

solaris/sparc under qemu blog: http://tyom.blogspot.com/

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