2015-06-17 13:48 keltezéssel, Markus Armbruster írta:
"Kővágó Zoltán" <dirty.ice...@gmail.com> writes:

2015-06-17 09:46 keltezéssel, Markus Armbruster írta:
Copying Eric for additional QAPI schema expertise.

My questions inline, pretty sure they show my ignorance.

"Kővágó, Zoltán" <dirty.ice...@gmail.com> writes:

This patch adds structures into qapi to replace the existing configuration
structures used by audio backends currently. This qapi will be the base of the
-audiodev command line parameter (that replaces the old environment variables
based config).

This is not a 1:1 translation of the old options, I've tried to make them much
more consistent (e.g. almost every backend had an option to specify buffer size,
but the name was different for every backend, and some backends required usecs,
while some other required frames, samples or bytes). Also tried to reduce the
number of abbreviations used by the config keys.

Some of the more important changes:
* use `in` and `out` instead of `ADC` and `DAC`, as the former is more user
    friendly imho
* moved buffer settings into the global setting area (so it's the same for all
    backends that support it. Backends that can't change buffer size will simply
    ignore them). Also using usecs, as it's probably more user friendly than
    samples or bytes.
* try-poll is now an alsa and oss backend specific option (as all other backends
    currently ignore it)

Signed-off-by: Kővágó, Zoltán <dirty.ice...@gmail.com>


Changes from v1 patch:
* every time-related field now take usecs (and removed -usecs, -millis suffixes)
* fixed inconsisten optional marking, language issues

Changes from v2 RFC patch:
* in, out are no longer optional
* try-poll: moved to alsa and oss (as no other backend used them)
* voices: added (env variables had this option)
* dsound: removed primary buffer related fields

Changes from v1 RFC patch:
* fixed style issues
* moved definitions into a separate file
* documented undocumented options (hopefully)
* removed plive option. It was useless even years ago so it can probably safely
    go away: 
* removed verbose, debug options. Backends should use trace events instead.
* removed *_retries options from dsound. It's a kludge.
* moved buffer_usecs and buffer_count to the global config options. Some driver
    might ignore it (as they do not expose API to change them).
* wav backend: removed frequecy, format, channels as AudiodevPerDirectionOptions
    already have them.

Makefile         |   4 +-
   qapi-schema.json |   3 +
   qapi/audio.json  | 223 
   3 files changed, 228 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
   create mode 100644 qapi/audio.json

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 3f97904..ac566fa 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ $(SRC_PATH)/qga/qapi-schema.json 
$(SRC_PATH)/scripts/qapi-commands.py $(qapi-py)
                "  GEN   $@")

   qapi-modules = $(SRC_PATH)/qapi-schema.json $(SRC_PATH)/qapi/common.json \
-               $(SRC_PATH)/qapi/block.json $(SRC_PATH)/qapi/block-core.json \
-               $(SRC_PATH)/qapi/event.json
+               $(SRC_PATH)/qapi/audio.json  $(SRC_PATH)/qapi/block.json \
+               $(SRC_PATH)/qapi/block-core.json $(SRC_PATH)/qapi/event.json

   qapi-types.c qapi-types.h :\
   $(qapi-modules) $(SRC_PATH)/scripts/qapi-types.py $(qapi-py)
diff --git a/qapi-schema.json b/qapi-schema.json
index 106008c..e751ea3 100644
--- a/qapi-schema.json
+++ b/qapi-schema.json
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
   # QAPI common definitions
   { 'include': 'qapi/common.json' }

+# QAPI audio definitions
+{ 'include': 'qapi/audio.json' }
   # QAPI block definitions
   { 'include': 'qapi/block.json' }

diff --git a/qapi/audio.json b/qapi/audio.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2851689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qapi/audio.json
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# -*- mode: python -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Zoltán Kővágó <dirty.ice...@gmail.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
+# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+# @AudiodevNoOptions
+# The none, coreaudio, sdl and spice audio backend have no options.
+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'struct': 'AudiodevNoOptions',
+  'data': { } }
+# @AudiodevAlsaPerDirectionOptions
+# Options of the alsa backend that are used for both playback and recording.
+# @dev: #optional the name of the alsa device to use

Who picks the default, QEMU or ALSA?

It defaults to "default", which tells alsa to use the default device...

Then make it

     # @dev: #optional the name of the alsa device to use (default 'default')

+# @try-poll: #optional attempt to use poll mode

What happens when the attempt fails?

It falls back to non polling (timer based) mode.

Okay, assuming that's the user interface we want.

+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'struct': 'AudiodevAlsaPerDirectionOptions',
+  'data': {
+    '*dev':      'str',
+    '*try-poll': 'bool' } }
+# @AudiodevAlsaOptions
+# Options of the alsa audio backend.
+# @in: options of the capture stream
+# @out: options of the playback stream
+# @threshold: #optional set the threshold (in frames) when playback starts
+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'struct': 'AudiodevAlsaOptions',
+  'data': {
+    'in':         'AudiodevAlsaPerDirectionOptions',
+    'out':        'AudiodevAlsaPerDirectionOptions',
+    '*threshold': 'int' } }

Do we have an established term for a "direction"?

If not: the use with 'in' and 'out' tempts me to name the type

Just rambling, use what you think is best.

I don't know, so far nobody rambled about my naming...

+# @AudiodevDsoundOptions
+# Options of the dsound audio backend.
+# @latency: #optional add extra latency to playback (in microseconds)

We already use seconds, milliseconds and nanoseconds.  You make the zoo

Hmm. The audio backend previously used microseconds, milliseconds,
Hertz, frames, samples and bytes as time measurement, now at least
everything use microseconds. Milliseconds precision is not enough,
while nanosecond precision doesn't really make sense imho.

I'm just poking fun at our inability to pick a time unit for QAPI/QMP.
No objection to your use of microseconds.

+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'struct': 'AudiodevDsoundOptions',
+  'data': {
+    '*latency': 'int' } }
+# @AudiodevOssPerDirectionOptions
+# Options of the oss backend that are used for both playback and recording.
+# @dev: #optional path of the oss device

Who picks the default, QEMU or OSS?

It defaults to "/dev/dsp".

For ALSA, you documented @dev to be "the name", here it's "path".
Intentional difference?

Yes. For oss you have to provide a filesystem path of the audio device
(like /dev/dsp), for alsa you provide an alsa specific name, like
"default", "hw:1,0", "hdmi:CARD=NVidia,DEV=1", whatever.

I don't like calling a filename a path, even though we already do in
many places.  Let's do:

     # @dev: #optional file name of the oss device (default '/dev/dsp')

+# @try-poll: #optional attempt to use poll mode
+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'struct': 'AudiodevOssPerDirectionOptions',
+  'data': {
+    '*dev':      'str',
+    '*try-poll': 'bool' } }

Same as for ALSA.  Keeping them separate is fine with me.

This is the same as alsa's try-poll. They're separate because only
these two backend use this setting.

+# @AudiodevOssOptions
+# Options of the oss audio backend.
+# @in: options of the capture stream
+# @out: options of the playback stream
+# @mmap: #optional try using memory mapped access

What happens when the attempt fails?

It should fall back to non-mmapped access (should because when I
checked, it was buggy, at least on linux with alsa emulated oss on
pulseaudio alsa device...)

Okay, assuming that's the user interface we want.

Should this be called try-mmap?

+# @exclusive: #optional open device in exclusive mode (vmix won't work)
+# @dsp-policy: #optional set the timing policy of the device, -1
to use fragment
+#              mode (option ignored on some platforms)

What are the possible values besides -1?

It should be a number between 0 and 10 (according to this page:

Please cover that in your comment.

+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'struct': 'AudiodevOssOptions',
+  'data': {
+    'in':          'AudiodevOssPerDirectionOptions',
+    'out':         'AudiodevOssPerDirectionOptions',
+    '*mmap':       'bool',
+    '*exclusive':  'bool',
+    '*dsp-policy': 'int' } }
+# @AudiodevPaOptions
+# Options of the pa (PulseAudio) audio backend.
+# @server: #optional PulseAudio server address
+# @sink: #optional sink device name
+# @source: #optional source device name

Who picks the defaults, QEMU or PA?


Is there a way to explicitly ask for the PA default?  Something like

Not really right now. The default is a NULL pointer (pulseaudio api wise), so unless we add an arbitrary keyword (like default), it's not possible to ask explicitly for the default. (But omitting them will choose the default, of course.)

+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'struct': 'AudiodevPaOptions',
+  'data': {
+    '*server': 'str',
+    '*sink':   'str',
+    '*source': 'str' } }
+# @AudiodevWavOptions
+# Options of the wav audio backend.
+# @path: #optional path of the wav file to record
+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'struct': 'AudiodevWavOptions',
+  'data': {
+    '*path': 'str' } }

Who picks the default?

It defaults to "qemu.wav"

Make it

     # @path: #optional path of the wav file to record (default 'qemu.wav')

+# @AudiodevBackendOptions
+# A discriminated record of audio backends.
+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'union': 'AudiodevBackendOptions',
+  'data': {
+    'none':      'AudiodevNoOptions',
+    'alsa':      'AudiodevAlsaOptions',
+    'coreaudio': 'AudiodevNoOptions',
+    'dsound':    'AudiodevDsoundOptions',
+    'oss':       'AudiodevOssOptions',
+    'pa':        'AudiodevPaOptions',
+    'sdl':       'AudiodevNoOptions',
+    'spice':     'AudiodevNoOptions',
+    'wav':       'AudiodevWavOptions' } }
+# @AudioFormat
+# An enumeration of possible audio formats.
+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'enum': 'AudioFormat',
+  'data': [ 'u8', 's8', 'u16', 's16', 'u32', 's32' ] }
+# @AudiodevPerDirectionOptions
+# General audio backend options that are used for both playback
and recording.
+# @fixed-settings: #optional use fixed settings for host DAC/ADC
+# @frequency: #optional frequency to use when using fixed settings
+# @channels: #optional number of channels when using fixed settings
+# @format: #optional sample format to use when using fixed settings

Are these guys used when @fixed-settings is off?


If @fixed-settings, are the other three all required?  If not, what are
their defaults?

No, they all have defaults: 44100 Hz, 2 channels and s16 format. I guess I should also document it...

+# @buffer: #optional the buffer size (in microseconds)

@buffer suggests this is a buffer, not a buffer length given as time
span.  @buffer-len?

Ok. (It used to be called buffer-usecs before I changed everything to

+# @buffer-count: #optional number of buffers
+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'struct': 'AudiodevPerDirectionOptions',
+  'data': {
+    '*fixed-settings': 'bool',
+    '*frequency':      'int',
+    '*channels':       'int',
+    '*voices':         'int',
+    '*format':         'AudioFormat',
+    '*buffer':         'int',
+    '*buffer-count':   'int' } }
+# @Audiodev
+# Captures the configuration of an audio backend.
+# @id: identifier of the backend
+# @in: options of the capture stream
+# @out: options of the playback stream
+# @timer-period: #optional timer period (in microseconds, 0: use lowest
+#                possible)
+# @opts: audio backend specific options
+# Since: 2.4
+{ 'struct': 'Audiodev',
+  'data': {
+    '*id':           'str',
+    'in':            'AudiodevPerDirectionOptions',
+    'out':           'AudiodevPerDirectionOptions',
+    '*timer-period': 'int',
+    'opts':          'AudiodevBackendOptions' } }

Have you considered making this a flat union, similar ro

Not really. If you qapi masters out there think it's better, then I
will convert it.

Related: discussion about flattening in review of PATCH 2.

Don't get deceived by the number of my questions, this is solid work.

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