On Aug 27, 2015, at 9:51 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 09:39:10AM -0400, Programmingkid wrote:
>>> Better still might be fixing things to where we add a global command
>>> line option that outright fails any attempt to create an unnamed object.
>>> The option would be off by default for back-compat.  But management
>>> apps like libvirt can turn it on once they are prepared to name every
>>> object they create (which in turn may imply fixing any remaining
>>> interfaces that cannot name an object to add in that ability for
>>> management to pass in a name).  Then there would be no unnamed objects,
>>> no ambiguity, and no need to generate names.
>> I do agree with giving every device an ID, but I don't think failing if the 
>> user
>> forgets to give one is necessary. If libvirt doesn't give devices and ID, it
>> would probably benefit from having QEMU do it for libvirt.
> Libvirt always gives an explicit ID. It is impossible to rely on QEMU
> assigning IDs, because there is no reliable way to identify what ID
> QEMU assigned to each device after the fact.

I did submit a patch that prints the ID's when using the monitor command
"info usb". You did give me an idea. I don't know if it is implemented yet. Is 
some command that prints out every device in QEMU with its ID? info all-devices?

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