On 06/04/2010 03:19 PM, Corentin Chary wrote:
The point of these wrappers AFAIU is not only to add error_exit, but also
to be portable to Windows in the future.

This is historical because the code was largely inspired by glibc's
implementation of posix-aio.  It doesn't need to be detached and since
Corentin wants to be able to join a worker, it makes sense to just avoid
detaching and pay the overhead of making the threads joinable.

Actually, I want to know if the queue is empty and if no job are
currently being processed: all worker are idle or stopped. I don't
really need pthread_join() for that, since worker can be idle (we
don't want to always start and stop the thread :) ).

Then it's also fine to have all qemu_threads detached (like in my patch to create all qemu_threads with blocked signals). I just want to avoid implementing pthreads one day for qemu-threads-win32.c.


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