On 02/06/2016 17:01, Sascha Silbe wrote:
>> > +    /* For fields which need customized handling, such as QTAILQ in 
>> > queue.h*/
>> > +    VMS_CSTM            = 0x8000,
> Can you describe (in the comment) how this customised handling is
> performed, please? I.e. describe what exactly happens if the flag is
> set, from the point of view of an API consumer.
> Also, why do you need this flag at all? The only change I can see is
> that you pass additional information to VMStateInfo.get() / .put(),
> using NULL if it's not set. Why don't you just always pass the
> additional information? If the additional information is not needed by
> get() / put() the parameter will be unused anyway.

Having the flag seemed like a good idea to me, because it gives a
specific meaning to the offset fields in the VMStateField.  On the other
hand, it's true that it's unused...


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