On 07/14/2016 08:16 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> Add a qmp_mixed_input_visitor_new() method which returns
> a QMP input visitor that accepts either strings or the
> native data types.
> Signed-off-by: Daniel P. Berrange <berra...@redhat.com>
> ---
> NB, just a demo - this should have tests added before submitting
> for real.

> +static void qmp_input_type_int64_mixed(Visitor *v, const char *name, int64_t 
> *obj,
> +                                       Error **errp)
> +{
> +    QmpInputVisitor *qiv = to_qiv(v);
> +    QObject *qobj = qmp_input_get_object(qiv, name, true);

This consumes the key out of the QDict input stream...

> +
> +    if (qobj && qobj->type == QTYPE_QSTRING) {
> +        qmp_input_type_int64_str(v, name, obj, errp);

then calls a helper function that also wants to consume the key.  You'll
have to use qmp_input_get_object(,false) for this to work (in other
words, do a peek instead of consume when deciding which other helper to

> +
> +Visitor *qmp_mixed_input_visitor_new(QObject *obj, bool strict)
> +{

I guess it's not too hard to generate 'qmp_mixed_input_visitor_new'
instead of 'qmp_input_visitor_new' when 'autocast':true is set in QAPI,
so that's a minor tweak to my series.  Your version also has the benefit
of not changing all existing callers to add another parameter.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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