On Fri, Dec 02, 2016 at 03:24:27PM +0100, Ingve Vormestrand wrote:
> Hi! First of all, QEMU rocks!


> I'm from the IncludeOS project, and QEMU is, without a doubt, one of our
> favourite tools! (If you haven't heard about IncludeOS, it is an open
> source unikernel operating system written in modern C++ (you can find out
> more about the project at http://includeos.org/ and
> https://github.com/hioa-cs/IncludeOS or see a very well received
> presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4etEwG2_LY from this
> year's CppCon).
> One of the demo applications for IncludeOS is Acorn, a self-contained web
> server that includes its own OS, can serve static content, handle REST
> requests and provide an interactive real-time dashboard. The source is
> available at https://github.com/includeos/acorn and there is a live preview
> running at http://acorn2.unofficial.includeos.io/
> We frequently distribute Acorn demos as QEMU images, and we thought that
> maybe this could be a candidate for inclusion in your advent calendar?

Sounds good!  I've added it as an idea for one of the available free

If you'd have time to prepare the disk image, please go right ahead.
And if you have any questions for logistics, feel free to write to us
(perhaps off-list -- just to avoid traffic here :-)).

A quick reminder on requirements (search for "Disk image requirements"


Thanks for contacting.



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