On 10/18/2010 02:36 PM, Stefan Weil wrote:
Maybe a more perfect solution would only patch the preconfigured
rom files but not user configured files, but I don't think we
need this degree of perfection.

Generally speaking, patching third-party code is not something that we should get in the habit of doing unless we're very very sure that it's okay and we have as many checks in place as possible to avoid bad things from happening.

There are so many bad things that can happen. If attempted to support attestation in QEMU and prepopulated a virtual TPM with checksums from the BIOS and ROMs, when the virtual BIOS attempts to measure itself if we've patched the ROM underneath of it, then the measurements will fail.

In the very least, if we go this route, it has to be an optional feature.


Anthony Liguori


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