On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 3:34 PM, Andrew Jones <drjo...@redhat.com> wrote:
> You could make the PL011 user instantiate-able and make the necessary
> changes to use the dynamic FDT node generation framework (sysbus-fdt),
> and then you'd be able to add as many additional UARTs as you like to
> mach-virt's platform bus. I played around with that idea once, and have
> some patches rotting somewhere that could maybe be dug back up.

The problem with this approach is that then different architectures
need different fancy options, which makes things a hassle. With the
old guarantee of each machine providing four serial ports, you could
just do -serial 1 -serial 2 and not have to worry about it. Much

Making FDT dynamic also sounds complicated.

Could we just do the simple patch of adding four pl011s in there?

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