On 2/24/19 3:31 PM, David Gibson wrote:
> I have access to POWER8 and POWER9 machines, but I haven't worked with
> RISU before.  If you can give me a straightforward recipe I can try
> running the tests.



First you need to generate the test cases.  It looks like the current
ppc64.risu file is fairly complete, at least to some level.  So:

mkdir ../risu-testcases-ppc64
./scripts/generate_all.sh ppc64.risu ../risu-testcases-ppc64

Then record traces from real hardware to compare against:

RISU=`pwd`/risu ./scripts/record_traces.sh ../risu-testcases-ppc64/*.bin

Now compare QEMU against hardware:

QEMU=qemu-ppc64 RISU=`pwd`/risu \
./scripts/run_risu ../risu-testcases-ppc64/*.bin

Which is all hunky dory until something fails.  At which point it's a matter of
using qemu's -d and -dfilter options judiciously, and "objdump -b binary -m
ppc64 -D foo.bin".


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