On 14/03/20 14:19, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
>> Observe that mac_via_init() has obvious side effects.  In particular, it
>> creates two devices that are then visible in "info qtree", and that's
>> caught by device-introspect-test.
>> I believe these things need to be done in .realize().

That is not a problem; the devices should be removed when the device is
finalized.  In theory the steps would be:

- the child properties are removed

- this causes unparent to be called on the child devices

- this causes the child devices to be unrealized

- this causes the child devices to remove themselves from their bus (and
from "info qtree")

- this causes the refcount to drop to zero and the devices to be
finalized themselves.

The question is why they are not, i.e. where does the above reasoning break.

So, sysbus_init_child_obj is fine.


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