Hello everyone,

I am a software engineer working as an SDE in the industry and I have been
wanting to contribute to QEMU. I mailed earlier introducing myself to the
mailing list and I was told to talk to specific people who work with the
subsystem I want to contribute to.

I am interested in contributing to the following areas of QEMU: KVM, x86
device emulation and storage optimization. I was hoping that I could get
some pointers on areas where I could contribute to. I am a bit lost since
QEMU is a vast project and I don't really know whether any
specific features are being worked on. If I had a goal in mind, that would
make it much easier to navigate the codebase as well.

My skillset is as follows: 3 years of work experience in Java and Python,
experience in designing and developing backend systems, APIs, deployments
and productionizing Machine Learning algorithms. I have knowledge of C/C++
as well, but I am a bit rusty there.

My questions that I hope to get answers to are these:

   1. Is there any specific area within x86 emulation, storage optimzation
   or KVM that I could contribute to? I am willing to work on chunks of
   projects too, if there are any that are ongoing.
   2. What background knowledge do I need for contribution? I have a good
   understanding of how the linux kernel works. I also have a decent
   familiarity with x86 architecture.

Thank you for reading this far and I look forward to hearing back from you.


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