On 6/8/21 2:34 PM, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:
>> Note: because there's no maintainer entry, when running
>> ./scripts/get_maintainers.pl on target/i386/sev.c, my name and the qemu
>> mailing list is the only thing that shows up... it doesn't even show
>> previous committers (as it would before applying this patch). Which is
>> probably not great considering I do not make pull requests to QEMU.
>> Is the way forward to get someone to sign up as a maintainer before
>> applying a patch like this?
> If you wanted to do a submaintainer for it and send it to one of the x86
> maintainers rather than having to do full pulls?

I'm not opposed to this. I think I have a few of the right people on CC,
so let's see if they weigh in on this. Unless it means I have to manage
a GPG key again... (just kidding, kind of...)


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