On 28/06/2022 09.10, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
On Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 09:03:33AM +0200, Thomas Huth wrote:
No problem with that. So that's venv. But do we need pip and pulling
packages from the net during testing?

We do that too. See requirements.txt in tests/
Following two are downloaded:

Also see this line in Makefie.include:

$(call quiet-venv-pip,install -r $(TESTS_VENV_REQ))

Right but that's avocado since it pulls lots of stuff from
the net anyway.
Are the libraries in question not packaged on major distros?

Currently I only need this:
which is the basic TAP processing library for python.

It seems its only installed through pip:

I do not think this is packaged by default. It's such a basic library
for parsing test output that maybe we can keep this somewhere within
the python src tree? Not sure ...

It's pretty small for sure. Another submodule?

Unlike BITS, this one is likely going to be maintained for a while and
will receive new releases through
so forking is OK but someone has to keep this updated.

I am open to anything. Whatever feels right is fine to me.

John Snow is currently working on the "Pythonification" of various QEMU
bits, I think you should loop him into this discussion, too.


submodule does not mean we fork necessarily. We could have
all options: check for the module and use it if there, if not
use one from system if not there install with pip ..
But yea, I'm not sure what's best either.

submodules create a dependency on an internet connection, too. So before you add yet another submodule (which have a couple of other disadvantages), I think you could also directly use the venv here.


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